


Intelligent Workspace Management through a single BIM oriented platform.

With Geoweb you can simplify and digitise the inventory, assignment, monitoring and accounting of the spaces of key properties relating to public and private organisations.

Functional area, rooms or single workstations? Management can take place at any level and is based on the floor plans of the properties that can be quickly updated via the web or through the main CAD or BIM tools.




Intelligent Workspace Management through a single BIM oriented platform.

With Geoweb you can simplify and digitise the inventory, assignment, monitoring and accounting of the spaces of key properties relating to public and private organisations.

Functional area, rooms or single workstations? Management can take place at any level and is based on the floor plans of the properties that can be quickly updated via the web or through the main CAD or BIM tools.



  • Manage the company’s key spaces graphically and directly from the web.

  • Manage workstations, smart working and staff movements efficiently.

  • Dynamically update your space inventory and check compliance with occupancy standards in real time.




Spaces Inventory and Intended Use

Quickly update floor plans, data and usability features. Classify the inventory by urban or functional intended use.


Space assignment

View the floor plans directly from the web. Spaces are themed according to the urban and functional intended use. Assign “Space” assets to organisational units. Monitor the allocation of company spaces.


Workstation Management

Manage and assign individual workstations to staff. Classify them by type and worksetting. Schedule staff travel. View the free workstations, movements and per capita space of workers in the rooms on the floor plan.


Allotment ratios

Easily calculate allotment ratios based on the use of space by the corporate organisational units and the time period considered.

Managing workspaces more efficiently will be easy.

Geoweb Space Management can be integrated with HR systems and those for Access Control. This enables you to create a complete corporate digital ecosystem that allows you to verify the actual occupation of the spaces assigned to each person working in the organisation.

Geoweb enables the uploading and viewing of CAD floor plans directly through a web browser.

You will be able to use the floor plans to manage the spaces, both from the point of view of their details and as regards the logics of use of the spaces by the organisation.

Space Management allows you to code the relationships between spaces and the corporate organisational structure.

You will thus be able to determine the use of workplaces by the various company functions and do so in a way that is distinct from their physical structure.

The Geoweb platform allows you to efficiently manage the allocation flows to company resources.

You will be able to plan the movements and the management of the worksets. Calculate the per capita space and the management of workstations from a smart working perspective.

With Geoweb Space Management you can divide the physical space into percentages and on the basis of the use that each company department makes of it.

This makes investment planning and cost sharing easier and more accurate.

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